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Hippocratic Anatripsis Massage Course

This course has been cancelled until further notice

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Hippocratic Anatripsis (rubbing – kneading) is a Two Day Massage Training Course following the principles as taught by Hippocrates and Galen.  During this training practitioners will learn to work along the pathways of the four Hippocratic veins (meridians). Of these four main pathways, three of them travel along the myoskeletal system and one along the viscera. They are intertwined (connected and interconnected) not only amongst themselves, but also with the nervous system and have an effect on our thoughts, emotions and energy centres (as described by Plato in the dialogue Timaeus).

This training will focus on the practical hands on techniques, mostly with the recipient fully clothed or at times partially draped. Hippocrates and Galen describe many mediums to use with Anatripsis, all result with a unique effect. This will be discussed during the course. For the purpose of this two day training,and the comfort and ease of the participants, we will also learn how to be efficient utilizing the medium of cloth. In addition, part of the course will also include learning more on the nervous system and on the treatment of chronic and unresolved pain.

This training day is open to both reflexologists and massage therapists alike who wish to complement their existing skills. For those who have already trained in Orthopedic Reflexology the pre-existing knowledge and practical approaches taught will now be applied to the rest of the body.  It is also suitable for those looking to expand their work in the area of sports, with the elderly, or in any target group that has an objective difficulty in undraping.

The techniques that will be taught have been utilized by Spiros successfully in his private practice, the Athens Classic Marathon, the Aretaieio Hospital pain clinic (Athens), and was considered the main factor for the successful outcome of the Diomidis Handball team (Argos-Greece) winning the Greek championship and the European Cup in 2011/12.

Venue :Hippocratic 'Anatripsis' Massage Course will take place at the Columbia Hotel, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS

  • Course Date: Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th December 2018
  • Course Fee: £225 
  • Deposit £100