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Osteopathic Reflexology®  Online Course


Introduction to osteopathic reflexology® online training

This is a one-day online Masterclass (5 hours in total):

Date: Wednesday 25th September 2024

  • Course Times: 11.00am - 6.00pm  (there is a 2 hour break at 2pm) UK Time

  • Course Fee: £95.00

The Importance of Feet in the Fascial System

Florence Cohen is the founder of the Osteopathic Reflexology Approach® and specialises in releasing fascia thoughout the entire body from the lower limbs (feet and lower legs). Many of Florence's  techniques are unique worldwide: the intraosseous fascia release techniques, the “fascial twister” unwinding techniques and the periosteum release techniques.

When you touch a body, it is irrelevant which manual therapy or technique you use - you are always interacting with the fascial system. From skin to inside bone there will be fascia. Fascia penetrates all structures, and there are a number of very important reasons for this which lead to the same destination: OUR HEALTH, maintaining our integrity. Staying healthy inside,  the gravity environment we live in is a tremendous challenge for our engineering. Fascia is the one and only organ capable of making sure that the entire machine (our body) functions in an integrated and well-connected  manner every fraction of a second, 24 hours a day.

As reflexologists and manual therapists we need to understand what we are touching. We need to understand that different ways of touching will have different effects on the fascial system. The fascial system is different depending on the depth inside the body, and those depths follow a hierarchy. So, everything we understand about the fascial system gives us information about the best ways to help it when it is impaired and unable function optimally.

The feet and lower legs are particularly important in regulating the fascial web. There is very little litterature on the subject as feet, even in the world of fascia, are usually merely looked at when the achilles tendon is suffering, or when there is plantar fascitiis. But the feet are the ones giving the information to the body about how to distribute the forces! The flexibility and elasticity of the foot ligaments, tendons, and fascial fibres will determine how flexible and elastic our bodies are. The fascial density inside the calcaneous heel bone will modify your weight distribution, hence your gait, with all the consequences this can have. And if the inward or outward rotation of the first metatarsal bone is restricted in any way your propulsion (pushing on the ball of the foot) will be subpar and your spine more rigid as a compensation mechanism. Again with all the ensueing repercussions. FEET AND THE LOWER LEGS ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING THE CONDITION OF THE FASCIAL WEB and therefore of your health.


Online Masterclass with Florence Cohen

  • During this Masterclass we will examine:

    1. What is fascia made of? (the solid part and the liquid part)
    2. What are the amazing properties of fascia within the different depths , and how they create a new paradigm of looking at and understanding the human body? Learning about fascia is like stepping into a sci-fi movie. Fascinating beyond your wildest dreams.
    3. Understanding the importance of continuity and tensegrity. Tensegrity is a universal law, it is the point where gravity and electro-magnetism find their balance and matter can thus keep its shape. Tensegrity is also the key to cell function. We will look into the amazing work of genius Donald Ingber with regards to this subject.
    4. Fascial hierarchy and its implications in manual therapy/reflexology
    5. What does fascia react to, positively and negatively?
    6. The importance of feet in the fascial system and the importance of feet in our relationship to gravity.
    7. Improving health from the lower limbs through the properties of the fascial system.
    8. The relationship between traditional reflexology and the fascial system.
To summarise this Masterclass will include:

Understand all the aspects of FASCIA, i.e. the tissues you touch in any manual therapy. Understand why and how FASCIA is instrumental in the development of illness and the maintenance of good health

Understand the selfregulating mechanism located in the feet and how, by interacting with fascia from the extremities, we can tap into that regulation of our health, sometimes at speeds that defy what we thought we knew was possible.  

To book onto this online course please send an email through the Contact Form and specify Osteopathic Online Course.

  Apply now, click here for details!
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